Marlene Schreiber

Marlene Schreiber

Specialist lawyer for IT law

Specialist lawyer for IT law


Marlene Schreiber

Marlene Schreiber is a specialist lawyer for IT law and Partner at HÄRTING Rechtsanwälte in Berlin, a law firm specializing in IT & IP. Together with her team of 3 other Partners, 8 associates and 5 trainees, Marlene has been advising clients since 2012 - from start-ups to DAX companies - on all questions of IT and data protection law and digitalization, in particular in connection with e-commerce and software projects, the permissibility of digital business models, the design of platforms and SaaS products and the implementation of new technologies, especially AI. As Marlene is particularly interested in AI and the relevant legal issues in this context, she regularly gives talks, workshops and webinars on this topic, moderates panels on international conferences or is active in podcasts as a guest or co-host (HÄ

Marlene is a well known and internationally recognized IT law specialist and was awarded “Lawyer of the Year (IT Law)” by Handelsblatt/Best Lawyers in 2023. She furthermore holds the position of Vice Chair of the Technology Law Committee of the International Bar Association, Spokesperson for the IT Law Working Group of the Berlin Bar Association, Area manager of the North-East regional group of the IT Law Working Group of the German Bar Association, Co-Editor of the “Zeitschrift für das Recht der digitalen Wirtschaft” (Journal for the Law of the Digital Economy) and Co-founder of the conference “IT Juristinnentag – das Barcamp zu Digitalisierung & Recht” (Female IT lawyers day - the BarCamp on digitization and law).

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