Didn't find the answer you where looking for? Just send us a mail LL@westwerk.dk use our contact form, or give us a call: +45 24 91 66 93

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I become a speaker or a sponsor at the WOMM Developer Conference?

Generally, we do not sell speaker slots.
All speakers and topics are carefully selected based on their relevance, relatability and experience.

If you have a interesting topic you would like to share at the WoMM as a speaker, you are welcome to contact us.

If your company is interested in a sponsor stand during the conference in Aarhus, we offer various sponsoring opportunities and way of highlighting your brand before and during the event.
Just drop us a line or give us a call, and we will find a solution that suits your ambitions and your budget.


Will the sessions be held in English?

Yes. All sessions will be held in English.


Can I participate online?

We offer no live-streaming for the WoMM 2024 unfortunately.


Do you offer vegan food?

Yes, we always offer a vegan alternative during both breakfast and lunch.


Can I return tickets or transfer them to another person?

Conference tickets are not covered by the right of withdrawal in Denmark, and due to budget planning we are not able to offer you the option to return purchased tickets.

However it is possible to transfer your ticket(s) to another person until the day before the conference. Simply inform us about about who you would like to transfer ticket to, and we are happy to change the name on the ticket.

Get your Ticket for the UX Leadership Days 2024!