Oct 9, 2024

Competencies, Ways of Working, and Tools (3 hour course)

Implementing AI in their products and processes

Tey Bannerman

About this session

This compact course with workshop-character is based on global insight and data from hundreds of organizations and UX departments testing and implementing AI in their products and processes, and will give you valuable and practical insights for your team and organization.

You will get an overview what drives success in the organizations that have been able to innovate at pace with AI and what distinguishes them from those that have struggled.

You will also learn how organizations have configured their teams, which practices and functions they have introduced, and the competencies that their UX designers needed to acquire to be successful.

Finally, you will have the option to participate in the subsequent discussion about the future shape of UX as a capability, learn from your peers, and have any burning questions addressed.

In this module you will learn:

  • An overview how other companies have introduced UX into their AI strategies, and AI into their UX processes
  • Conclusions from global metrics on how to go about technological and structural changes
  • The competences and trainings that could be beneficial for your teams

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