Lucia Terrenghi

Lucia Terrenghi

UX Director

Head of UX for YouTube Creator, former Site Lead @ Google ZRH


Lucia Terrenghi

Lucia Terrenghi is a User Experience (UX) Director at YouTube in Zurich. Until recently, she also lead the EMEA Women@Google ERG (Employee Resource Group), and co-lead the Google Zurich site.

She joined Google as Interaction Designer in 2010 to work on products for users in Emerging Markets. Back then she was the first and only female UXer in Zurich. Since then, she worked on different product areas (Emerging Markets, Payments, Assistant, Travel, Shopping, and YouTube). She holds a PhD in Computer Sciences in the area of Human Computer Interaction from the LMU University of Munich, and a Master in Industrial Design from the Polytechnic of Milan. Prior to Google she worked in R&D for Vodafone, was a research and interaction designer at the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology, and worked on branding for the Olympic Games. In 2007 she was a recipient of the Google Anita Borg Scholarship rewarding women scholars for their contribution to research in Computer Sciences. She is an active advocate of women empowerment in tech, has 2 kids, loves skiing and the outdoors.

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